Chapter 8: Ready to be Forever Changed?

Before now, I have never been one to believe that meeting one person could possibly have such an effect on that me that it changes my life forever. Does that one person exist? What are the chances that I’m ever going to meet him? How will he forever change my life? These are all questions I would ask myself when the thought of a “soulmate” would arise in my head before I walked into a bar a few months ago. Now? I’m slowly starting to gain answers.

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Chapter 7: When Fate Intervenes

FateHave you ever experienced a phenomenon where you believe that somehow fate has led you to a certain place or to a certain person? That feeling that there are way too many “coincidences” that occur for it to be just a random act of chance? With Brett, that feeling has been occurring ever since I set my eyes on him. It seems like the more time we spend together, the more often coincidences occur leading me to ask…is this fate? Continue reading

Chapter 6: Confusion

Lost and Confused SignpostLoving someone, I’m realizing, is a really difficult emotion to manage. The more and more I go in and hang out with Brett, the farther I feel myself falling for him. The hardest part is not knowing how he feels. He gives off a vibe that tells me he’s not interested, but then, on the other hand, he gives off signals that tell me otherwise. Why must he be so confusing? Continue reading

Chapter 5: Friends

IMG_20141025_220809546After we spent the night together outside of the bar, I knew that I wasn’t going to be shaking the feelings anytime soon. The more and more I hung out with him, the more I could finally see what everyone else was saying. There is a connection between us. But what kind? Is it just a friendship, or could it be more? Obviously, I knew what I was feeling was more than just friends. But what about him?? Did he see us as friends?

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Chapter 4: The Perfect Gentleman

imagesLove is a very complex emotion especially when you get the chance to actually be with the person that you love. So imagine what it feels like to be in love with someone you can’t have? Let me tell you…it hurts. Especially when there is an obvious connection that does nothing but continue to build. I had begun to realize that this was the probable outcome of whatever was going on between the bartender and I. Am I eventually going to get my heart broken? Continue reading

Chapter 3: The Rock that Didn’t Roll

BarMixerA few weeks had passed and I was doing everything I possibly could to go back and see him. Every time a friend would ask if I wanted to go out or if I wanted to grab dinner, I would usually convince them to go the bar. My closest friend and I quickly became regulars. After all, we’d find ourselves there one or two times a week. We even became acquaintances with servers that worked there. Then one day, she got news that would end up devastating the both of us.   Continue reading

Chapter 2: A Lasting Impression

BarSeveral days had passed since my friends and I stumbled into the bar and there wasn’t a day when the bartender wasn’t on my mind. Every day I would find myself asking, “I wonder if he’s working tonight?” or “I wonder if he’ll remember me the next time I go back?” Either way, I couldn’t stop thinking about him. It seemed like every time I blinked I could see his goofy smile. And whenever I heard laughter of other people around me I could hear his sweet, childlike giggle. What is wrong with me? Why can’t I stop thinking about him? Continue reading